A core value at Belin McCormick is helping build a better community by giving both time and money to community and professional programs and projects. Belin McCormick approaches giving by focusing on four strategic areas:

  1. Economic development through the Greater Des Moines Partnership;
  2. Human Services through United Way;
  3. Culture and the arts through organizations supported by Bravo Greater Des Moines and the Community Foundation of Greater Des Moines; and
  4. The legal profession through the Iowa State Bar Association

In addition to financial support, Belin lawyers and staff are actively involved in the community. Belin employees serve in many roles, including on-the-ground volunteers, board members and advocates. Our employees are passionate about the community and the organizations that make it a great place to live and work.

Our Involvement

Attorneys Aaron Jones and Ame Mapes helped secure Iowa's bid to host National High School Mock Trial Championship in 2026.

Attorneys Marina Grabchuk and Aaron Jones commemorate George Washington Carver Day by attending attorney Paxton Williams' one man show on the life of Professor Carver.

Attorneys Joseph Malanson, Amelia Mapes, Laura C. Ingram, and Marina Grabchuk attend the 2023 Living History Farms Farmstasia Gala supporting education programs that serve thousands of schoolchildren in Iowa.

Belin attorneys, staff, and summer associates built beds for Sleep in Heavenly Peace (SIHP) for youth in the Des Moines metro. 

Attorneys Aaron Jones, Joseph Malanson, Mariah Sukalski, and Brad Pollock represent Belin's sponsorship of The Amazing Grace Lemonade Race which raises money for Blank Children's Hospital and the Ronald McDonald House in Des Moines.

Attorneys Aaron Jones and Mariah Sukalski attended the ribbon-cutting ceremony for Inside Out Wellness and Advocacy's new Children’s Crisis Stabilization Center and Outpatient Mental Health Clinic in Perry. Inside Out promotes mental health wellness and provides essential emergency services to our community.

Belin employees give generously of both their time and financial resources to these core strategies. We are difference makers in this community and in our profession. Our lawyers receive immense personal satisfaction from the impact they have on the community, both individually and collectively.